What is XMA?
XMA is a team of missionaries, full-time trip leaders, and stateside support personnel who work together for one common goal - to spread the Gospel to all nations. We recruit, equip, and train volunteers to venture to various areas around the world, and we seek to partner with churches and individuals to aid them in knowing Christ and making Him known.
For every 1 XMA volunteer
who has served:
24 people heard the gospel
8 believes were discipled
1 unreached person accepted Christ
XMA has supplied:
1,644 people with medical treatment
1,073 people with fitted glasses
XMA is one of our favorite ministries! Their heart to share the Gospel with all nations is REAL! Almost our whole family has traveled with them to Nicaragua in the past. We know the missionaries and know their hearts for Jesus! It’s an honor to help provide a small portion to support their ministry!
- CLDark
When I have interacted with xma I have been amazed how effective they have been in doing what I call mission work. Those who participate in their trips have been as well-prepared for effective ministry in their destination as any organization with whom I have worked. Once the teams have arrived there has been plenty to do that has been helpful and healthy (sensitive to the dynamics of the destination culture). The partners with whom they have worked have been glad for the partnership and have followed up well the progress made in the destination. I would choose to go with them again when possible.
- Woods
So blessed by XMA and the huge role they’ve played in helping me discover my heart for missions and seeing lives changed by the gospel. My trips with XMA have been some of the most fruitful fulfilling experiences of my life and have had a huge impact on my faith walk. The work they do, the team they have, the compassion they share...are all reasons why I feel honored to be a small part of the impact they have in lives around the world.
- sgriffin