
School Trips

Empowering Youth to Make a Difference


Middle and High School Mission Trips: Adventure with a Purpose

Put Your Faith into Action

Middle and high school students can actively live out their faith through our engaging and impactful mission trips.

Meaningful Projects


Repair and Renovate Homes

Help families in need by improving their living conditions

Women worship at a local church in a small village in India.

Build Mission and Ministry Facilities

Contribute to the creation of essential community spaces.

A short-term volunteer reads Bible stories to a boy in the Santiago de Chocorvos District of Peru.

Lead Children’s Outreach Programs

Make a positive impact on young lives.


Respond to Natural Disasters

Offer relief and assistance in crisis situations.


Engage in Christian Service

Reach out to individuals and communities with love and compassion.

Trips Available for 2025


Gather your Spanish club, senior class, or any enthusiastic student group for an unforgettable mission trip that seamlessly blends adventure with a meaningful purpose. Engage in enriching experiences that not only challenge and reward your group but also foster a sense of global community and service. Whether you're repairing and renovating homes for families in need, building mission and ministry facilities, leading children's outreach programs, working at homeless shelters, responding to natural disasters, or reaching out to individuals and communities through acts of Christian service, this mission trip promises to be the adventure of a lifetime. Make lasting memories, forge deep connections, and inspire lifelong commitments to service and compassion.


Skip and Kim Meyer* walk with their family to research ways to gain entry to a remote area for ministry among the South Asians.
* Names changed for security

When we go

Upcoming Events

If you don’t see a trip date that works for you, give us a shout! We can craft a trip for you that fits your schedule and your activity level. Fill out this form to let us know what you're looking for.

Interest Form

Are you interested in registering as an individual or as a group?
Tell us about yourself!
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On a missions trip to NY I met a young lady who works with XMA. I’ve continued to be amazed at her dedication and continued work with the lost around the world. I’ve heard thru her amazing stories of God’s work. Awesome non profit!

Bebe H.

This is an “on the ground” organization that reaches and touches lives all over the world. Actions of XMA personally reach many people that would otherwise be unreached. The Outreach of this organization goes beyond electricity and common things that we take for granted each day, to share love and hope to others. I have personally been a part of these missions as well as my children. It has been life changing for me and my family.

Elliot C.

I had the experience of going on a mission trip to Nicaragua this year, which was my first trip with XMA! It was an awesome experience with seeing not only God at work but also XMA takes care of all your needs regarding interpreters, meals, and accommodations. I can’t wait to go on my next trip!

Ashley G.
First-time Goer


Interested in going on an XMA mission trip?

Are you interested in registering as an individual or as a group?
Tell us about yourself!
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support a Goer?

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Or, if you prefer, you can choose to remain anonymous.

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