Pile of old used spectacles
ReVitalEyes 22


You can be the answer to someone’s prayer, “Lord, I want to see…”. Will you GO? Will you GIVE? Will you PRAY?

Juanita is one of the sweetest little ladies you could ever meet—warm, friendly, happy. But life threw her a curve. Like blind Bartimaeus in the Gospels, she found herself out on the roadside begging for a living. On a good day, Juanita makes 25 cents from the plastic bottles she collects from other people’s trash as she wanders the streets of Siguatepeque, Honduras.

Then, like Bartimaeus, one day she met Jesus (in the form of an XMA ReVitalEyes vision care team) and now she can see again. As we see from Jesus’ life, meeting physical needs often opens the heart and mind to spiritual needs. Sharing the Good News with Juanita and others is an integral part of XMA’s ReVitalEyes vision care ministry. Our goal is for all those we serve to receive their sight, follow Jesus, and praise God.

Juanita is just one of millions whose lives could be drastically changed with a $2 pair of glasses.


“Approximately 500 million people in developing countries are visually impaired because they do not have access to reading glasses. For these people eyeglasses often are either inaccessible or unaffordable.”

– World Health Organization

“Visual impairment is more than a health problem. It has economic, educational, and public
safety implications. For example, in Tanzania 71% of people are farsighted and are dissatisfied
with their ability to do work such as winnowing grain, sewing, reading, and cooking food. But
only 6% of the people in Tanzania who are farsighted have eyeglasses.”

– RestoringVision.org

Three ways you can follow Jesus’ example of
restoring vision and life to overlooked people in the
developing world:

Skip and Kim Meyer* walk with their family to research ways to gain entry to a remote area for ministry among the South Asians.
* Names changed for security

Interested in joining a ReVitalEyes team?

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ReVitalEyes 22

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