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Be a Goer

Goers serve in remote places to spread the love of Jesus.

Why Go?

Jesus tells us to go make disciples, and that's exactly what we set out to do! Through going and telling others of the Great Commission, we are being obedient to the Lord and growing His kingdom. With God's provision and guidance, we aim to bring peace, joy, and restoration to everybody we meet!

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

- Matthew 28:19-20

For every 1 XMA Goer
people hear the gospel message
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Sharing the Good News

XMA volunteers serve on 8-12 day trips sharing the love of Jesus with overlooked people in remote locations around our world and helping with human needs such as medical, dental, clean water, construction, educational, and other basic needs.

Can I Do This?

Trips are based on your capability and comfort level.

Activity Level 1


Adventure with a purpose at its most relaxed pace. Travel by vehicle to ministry locations, stay in hotels or guest houses, indoor plumbing, sleep in beds. No hiking or camping involved. Restaurants and team-cooked meals.

Activity Level 2


Still no hiking or camping but a few less creature comforts. Possibly several hours in a van or 4 wheel driving each day, outhouses possible during the day but showers and toilets at night, beds may not be quite as soft. Restaurants and team-cooked meals with some sack lunches and snacks during the day.

Activity Level 3


Camping or staying in villages one or more nights. Some light hiking possible but mostly driving or boating. Outhouses and no shower for one or more nights. May eat some village food.

Activity Level 4


Hiking, biking and/or boating 3 to 6 hours a day for several days at elevations up to 8,000 feet. Camping, village stays and hostels for several nights. No indoor plumbing most of the trip. Packaged and dehydrated meals mostly but also opportunities for several village meals.

Activity Level 5


Hiking or biking 5 to 10 hours a day for a week or more possibly at elevations above 8,000 feet. Camping, village stays and hostels for a week or more. Mostly local food. If they have indoor plumbing you’ll wish they didn’t!

Activity Level 5


Exploratory trip into unknown areas. Could involve any of the items in levels 1 – 5 plus a lot more.
We just don’t know until we go. Should make for some good stories for those who make it back!

Where We Go

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Tourists and locals flock to one of the many restaurants in the Roman Ghetto district. This small neighborhood is delimited by the Tiber River on one side and by Venice Square on the other. While steeped in cultural and religious history, today, this area of Rome, Italy, is filled with quaint restaurants and shops in the old buildings. IMB Photo
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XMA where we go

The World Is Waiting!

Travel with various levels of discretion.

Green - Go!

Open country where evangelism and church planting in legal and culturally acceptable. No hostilities or physical threats expected for team, hosts or nationals. You are free to talk about and promote these trips through all media.

Yellow - Use Caution
Red - Use Extreme Caution

When we go

Upcoming Events

If you don’t see a trip date that works for you, give us a shout! We can craft a trip for you that fits your schedule and your activity level. Fill out this form to let us know what you're looking for.

Interest Form

Are you interested in registering as an individual or as a group?
Tell us about yourself!


On a missions trip to NY I met a young lady who works with XMA. I’ve continued to be amazed at her dedication and continued work with the lost around the world. I’ve heard thru her amazing stories of God’s work. Awesome non profit!

Bebe H.

This is an “on the ground” organization that reaches and touches lives all over the world. Actions of XMA personally reach many people that would otherwise be unreached. The Outreach of this organization goes beyond electricity and common things that we take for granted each day, to share love and hope to others. I have personally been a part of these missions as well as my children. It has been life changing for me and my family.

Elliot C.

I had the experience of going on a mission trip to Nicaragua this year, which was my first trip with XMA! It was an awesome experience with seeing not only God at work but also XMA takes care of all your needs regarding interpreters, meals, and accommodations. I can’t wait to go on my next trip!

Ashley G.
First-time Goer


Interested in going on an XMA mission trip?



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support a Goer?

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Or, if you prefer, you can choose to remain anonymous.

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