Becoming a Team Leader with XMA

We need team leaders to lead volunteers on mission trips! We need YOU.

A Typical Pathway to Becoming a Team Leader with XMA

Of course, this path to discerning God’s will begins in your prayer garden. Nothing is more important to this journey than deep, prolonged, private prayer. Time alone with God and His Word should bring clarity to the voice you are hearing. You must begin here and return here frequently for nothing is more foundational to your calling and your sustained ministry.



If you have not previously served with XMA, then the first step along the path to being an XMA team leader is to go on a few XMA trips to see if this is really what you thought it was and if you still feel God is calling you to serve with us. We require all team leader applicants to have gone on at least 2 trips with 2 different team leaders. So, get a trip scheduled and get going!

In the meantime, there are a few things you can be doing to help gauge your fit with XMA and to discern God’s call.

A summer volunteer knits with two women in Peru. The volunteer came to partner with an IMB missionary.
A Deaf Christian is baptized by two Deaf believers.


Build Support

We, as an organization and as individuals, believe building a personal support team is critical to a lasting, vibrant, and effective ministry. This is not just financial support but also–perhaps more importantly–prayer support, friendship, encouragement, and serving alongside you on the XMA trips.

Several of our staff will testify to their support team being the backbone of their ministry at XMA for the past 15-20 years. However, as independent and self-sufficient Americans, asking others to help us can be incredibly difficult. This has proven to be the main reason some who have joined us over the years are no longer here. Thankfully, God has shown us that this was due to a faulty perspective and a lack of knowledge. Working in partnership and supporting each other is God-ordained and a clearly taught Biblical principle.



Your next step along the pathway to joining our staff is a prayerful reading of Steve Shadrach’s book The God Ask. Once you have read and understand Steve’s teaching and you are still excited about following us in ministry you need to attend Via Generosity (formerly Support Raising Solutions) 2-day bootcamp. This bootcamp is required training for all XMA team leaders.

A short-term volunteer reads Bible stories to a boy in the Santiago de Chocorvos District of Peru.


Get Certified

Moving on along the path, your next step may be to become certified in Wilderness First Aid. This is a 2-day course taught by National Outdoor Leadership Schools (NOLS) and is also required of all XMA team leaders.


As you complete these steps along the pathway you should be getting some clarity on God’s call to becoming an XMA team leader. We will, of course, be here with you in this journey—praying for you, encouraging, answering questions and concerns, mentoring, and serving alongside you on your XMA trips.

Interested in going on an XMA mission trip?



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