
Give a Mission Trip

Rather than hounding you for gifts, we're giving TO YOU.

Thanks to our generous XMA Senders who give so faithfully throughout the year, we want to give you $500 toward any XMA trip in 2024.

Simply commit to go on any XMA trip in 2024 and our Senders will match your trip deposit dollar for dollar up to $500.

That’s $1,000 already paid toward your 2024 XMA trip!

That’s about half the cost for most of our trips.

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Give someone an experience of lifetime for Christmas or their birthday. What better gift than helping them share the love of Christ with the unreached?

*$20,000 in matching funds available on a first come basis. This offer ends when these funds are claimed.

This deposit is nonrefundable. Trip must be completed by December 31, 2024 or your deposit will go into our Senders Fund to help with future promotions.

Trip donations and trip payments are tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations.

Send a Tribute Gift Card

When you give a tribute gift, you can print a card acknowledging your gift.
Or, if you prefer, you can choose to remain anonymous.


Interested in going on an XMA mission trip?

Are you interested in registering as an individual or as a group?
Tell us about yourself!
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Want to financially
support a Goer?

Send a Tribute Gift Card

When you give a tribute gift, you can print a card acknowledging your gift.
Or, if you prefer, you can choose to remain anonymous.

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