For over 15 years and with over 250 teams we have taken the Gospel to make an impact for the kingdom in remote areas. Our teams work with national partners to assist with travel, translation, and to build an ongoing relationship for the purposes of ministry. XMA teams seek to encourage prior church plants, engage in new church planting activities, and evangelize the lost along the way.
God continues to expand the work in and around San Jose de Pane, Honduras. Teams traveling to this area use Pane as a home base to expand into the surrounding 14 mountain villages. Through the village schools, we are able to share Bible stories, crafts, songs, and movies with the children, which will often open to door for us to share the Gospel one on one. Our teams conduct medical clinics, dental clinics, Revital-eyes vision clinics, and men's and women's disciple conferences. There are also various construction projects goin on at different times during the year. Our ultimate goal is to make disciples and plant self-sustaining, reproducing churches in each of these villages so that they can then go out and reach their fellow Hondurans.
The main focus in Nicaragua is finding remote, hard-to-reach areas in need of the Gospel. Terry and Denise Parks have led over 250 teams to make an impact there, and work with national partners to assist with travel and translation. XMA teams seek to encourage prior church plants, engage in new church planting activities, and evangelize the lost along the way.