Trip Survey

Tell us about your experience!

Trip Survey

We're so glad to have you back from your incredible journey with XMA! We hope your experience was filled with purpose, growth, and unforgettable moments.

Now that you've returned, we invite you to take a few minutes to reflect on your trip and share your valuable insights with us. Your feedback is incredibly important as it helps us:

  • Improve future trips
  • Share impactful stories
  • Celebrate your contributions

Please take a few moments to complete the following exit evaluation. Your honest and thoughtful responses will help us continue to provide transformative experiences for years to come.

Prayer Prompt

Pray for your volunteer to prepare his/her heart to travel to the remote places to share the Good News.

Interested in going on an XMA mission trip?

Are you interested in registering as an individual or as a group?
Tell us about yourself!
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Want to financially
support a Goer?

Send a Tribute Gift Card

When you give a tribute gift, you can print a card acknowledging your gift.
Or, if you prefer, you can choose to remain anonymous.

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