Camino de Santiago – Judy Lauterbach
I was able to go to Spain a few weeks ago to walk the Camino de Santiago, The Way of St James, with two dear friends, Jodie and Kate. This is a medieval pilgrimage, walked for centuries, to the Cathedral of Santiago where tradition holds that the bones of the apostle James are buried. We walked for five days, 80+ miles, on old country roads, on dirt paths, through creeks, along pastures, through old European villages, meeting so many interesting people from all over the world.
It was such a refreshing and enjoyable experience because we were all there to get away from the busyness of our lives back home and just walk. Walk alone, walk with old friends, walk with new friends, walk with God. Everyone comes for different reasons but we’re all there together for a few days sharing our lives and God’s beautiful creation.