Secure in God’s Hands – Lucy*

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.” — John 10:27-28
There are a lot of promises wrapped up in these two verses. Jesus says that if we are his sheep then we will hear his voice and follow him. He promises that those who hear and follow–he will know them. What does it mean to be known by Jesus? It means to be loved, to be forgiven, to be accepted, to have a new name, a new family, anew purpose in life. And not just life here and now, but life eternally. To be eternally secure in the presence of Jesus isn’t something to be gained or lost, but it is a gift given.
Many of us can read the above words and think, “Yeah, I’ve heard all of it before. Nothing new there.” But imagine being a new believer and literally reading that for the first time! Our new brothers and sisters here go from shock and skepticism to a humble thankfulness when they realize for the first time in their life, they are secure in God’s hands. Please pray that the Lord would multiply believers here–that his flock in North Africa would become innumerable! And be reminded of the magnificence of his grace and mercy that each of us experience in the gift of eternal life.
*Name changed for security