Eyecare Team Leaders Urgently Needed!

Bringing reading glasses to remote villages may seem like a small thing. But reading glasses mean improved quality of life, improved finances, and improved well-being — for the person who gets the glasses and their whole family. As an XMA ReVitaleyes team leader, you can make a difference in lives around the world! We will train and equip you to serve either as fulltime XMA staff or parttime leading 2-4 teams a year.
“Approximately 500 million people in developing countries are visually impaired because they do not have access to reading glasses. For these people eyeglasses often are either inaccessible or unaffordable.”
– World Health Organization
“Visual impairment is more than a health problem. It has economic, educational, and public safety implications. For example, in Tanzania 71% of people are farsighted and are dissatisfied with their ability to do near work such as winnowing grain, sewing, reading, and cooking food. But only 6% of the people in Tanzania who are farsighted have eyeglasses.”
– RestoringVision.org
These are astounding facts! Half a billion people cannot see to take care of themselves and their families simply because they do not have reading glasses. This brings to mind the story of blind Bartimaeus in the three synoptic Gospels. Bartimaeus was reduced to sitting beside the road begging simply because he could not see. The crowd told him to keep quiet and not cause a ruckus but Jesus had compassion on him, restored his vision, revitalized his life.
As we see from Jesus’ life, meeting physical needs often opens the heart and mind to spiritual needs. Sharing the Good News is an integral part of XMA’s ReVitaleyes vision care ministry. Our goal is for all those we serve, like Bartimaeus, to receive their sight, follow Jesus, and praise God.
As an XMA ReVitaleyes teamleader you can follow Jesus’ example of restoring vision and life to overlooked people in the developing world. Call Marlene at 318-376-6838 or email marlene@xmaonline.com now to find out more about how you can serve as an XMA ReVitaleyes teamleader.
Be sure to watch this great video from one of our ReVitalEyes teams.