God Has Spoken

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. – 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Over the past several weeks, we have contemplated how God is speaking actively and presently to us through His Spirit. As important as it is to remember that God is speaking, it is equally important to remember that God has spoken to us through His Word. 2 Timothy 3 reminds us that all Scripture is from God and is profitable to us.
God has spoken to us in Scripture. It is His revelation to His people of His character, His will, and His way, and by it He gives us everything we need for life and godliness. Just as God used this Scripture to speak to His people in the past, so His Word still speaks to us today. It is not antiquated text, but living and active, as Hebrews 4:12 reminds us.
The best way for us to interact with the speaking nature of the Scripture is to practice what has been termed “Lectio Divina,” or, to say it more simply, “spiritual reading.” Lectio Divina is the process of reading the Word of God slowly, with a clear mind and heart, seeking to consider not just what the text has said, but what it is saying. The practice of Lectio Divina is about searching the Scriptures to see what God is saying to you in your current condition. This is not to say that Scripture has endless meanings but rather that Scripture applies to each of us in the unique context in which we live.
Dallas Willard, in his work Hearing God, lists four tasks in which to engage while practicing Lectio Divina. First, read slowly the passage from Scripture. Second, reflect on what you have read, considering words, phrases, or ideas that stood out to you. Third, respond in prayer to what you have read, sharing with God what you have seen in His Word and asking for the strength to embody these things. Lastly, reflect – see where the Lord would have you take this truth into your day.
Following these steps may require sitting still before the Lord, or it may require you to take action in obedience to something God has asked of you. The purpose of this exercise is to let the Word dwell in you richly and carry you throughout your daily activities.
Reflection: Spend some time practicing Lectio Divina, considering how God may be speaking to you in Scripture.
Prayer: God of the Bible, thank you for the way you have always spoken to your people, and thank you that you still speak to us today. Father, may we be faithful to listen to you in your Word.